There some core concepts on that HOP is based on.
Freedom principle says that we are free since the moment we are born. Freedom is a gift that we all receive as a part of the human experience. Freedom is not something that we can get from things or from people, freedom is a state of being, freedom is ours to choose at any moment.
Freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility. Neither can exist without the other. Freedom is a result of us taking the responsibility for our life. Whenever we don't take responsibility our freedom will be lacking in that specific area.
Wake up call
In HOP you'll hear a lot about the wake up calls. A wake up call is whenever we don't feel peace in our hearts. This can manifest as unpleasant feelings or intrusive thoughts.
Wake up calls are very important, because without them we'll not be able to recognise that something unconstructive is happening.
Limits are in HOP the ones that put an area of ourselves in protection mode.
Limits are either real or imaginary. For our system all our limits are real. It's us who decide their reality. It's one of our jobs to be aware of our limits.
Any time we get close or we touch a limit an area of ourselves will enter a protection state.
Protection state
A protection state is a feature that our system is able to enter if it encounters something potentially dangerous. This can have different levels of intensity.
One of the main characteristics that we are in a protective state is the way we perceive the world at those moments. More exactly we see everything as good and bad, wrongness being the main observation that appears in our inner world.
A protection state is characterised from us feeling uncomfortable, anxious, having allergies, back or other type of chronic pain, tension, nervous breakdowns, intrusive thoughts to panic attacks. The list is way longer...
Another characteristic is that in this state we have a tendency to judge in terms of results.
Here are a few more characteristics:
- wrongness
- hardness
- narrowness
- pain
- tension
- anxiety
- short term thinking
- weakness
- getting tired very fast
- conflict
- not enjoying complex things
- not supported
- lost
- disconnected from yourself and the world
- a sense of not having enough space
- seeing what is not
Free choice state
A free choice, refined state is easily recognisable by an inner smile that can also show on our face, feeling whole and satisfied, being at peace with everything.
In contrast with the protection state, the refined state is characterised by our inner world being filled with a perception of everything being fine, just the way as it is right now. We don't focus on good and bad anymore but simply seeing what is as perfectly fine. In this state is very easy to find activities that are enjoyable, full of beauty and rewarding to us.
The tendency in this state is to focus on the process.
Here are a few more characteristics:
- okness
- focusing on the process
- experiencing feelings of pleasure
- calm
- easiness
- enjoying complex things
- wanting to be with people
- seeing a clear path ahead of us
- seeing beauty in us and all around us
- supported
- connected with yourself and the world
- a sense of space
- present with what is happening right in the moment
- connected with the environment
- seeing what is